Category: inquisition

how to write fiction – advice from a genius polymath

how to write fiction – advice from a genius polymath

august strindberg, a name that might not sound very familiar but has a fascination behind, was a polymath playwright, actor, novelist, poet, essayist, painter, swedish modernist who married and divorced thrice. infamous for his scandalous behaviour, he was charming as a young man, always attracted to ladies. his literature is prolific and his paintings are …

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to spectate without a skeptical eye is to endure a potato existence

to spectate without a skeptical eye is to endure a potato existence

you must have seen potato. the ugly, lame, and shapeless vegetable. potatoes don’t question a thing. they’re almost colorless and easily blendable with almost everything. that’s the image that comes across my mind when i witness the urban crowd with their office bags rushing for work every morning. man was not always like that. oh …

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why intellectuals must raise questions

why intellectuals must raise questions

an inquisitive mind is one that is not dead. it is a sharp weapon that cuts through the vague cloud of oblivion. curiosity is life. a questioning spirit is one that takes to task the unclear and the ambiguous. to spectate without a skeptical knack is to endure a potato existence. a mind that is …

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what is the meaning of life

what is the meaning of life

can you answer that? i cannot. i tried it for like a million times to answer this one single question and was never satisfied with the answer. some say that we should not raise this question at all, as it is futile to ask such questions that have no answers and that life itself is …

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why i stopped watching bollywood

why i stopped watching bollywood

growing up in delhi in the 90s, i used to be a huge bollywood fan, especially the yash raj films and king khan (yeah, don’t you lie, you too were). as time went on and as i was exposed to better flicks through our age’s biggest invention — internet, i developed a varied cinematic taste, …

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when creativity dies, start copying

when creativity dies, start copying

there comes a point in every artist’s life when constipation takes charge, a creative constipation. words cease to flow. music denies composition. things fall apart. how to cope up with such a dreadful situation? well, it’s quite easy. it’s called the art of copying. your creativity does not completely vanish from the scene here. it …

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