Tag: meaning of life

A Promise Of Eternity

A Promise Of Eternity

By Aishwarya Verma Sitting in the graveyard, she thinks:Why is it it that leaving all the places behind this is the only place that gives solace, maybe because she likes spending time with the forgotten. We mortals, we love people and we do everything in our power to be with them, then how is it …

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unending void — a poem

unending void — a poem

by pravin singhmar this unending void within nothing fills it it lacks connection there is a sordid numbness that stays and travels along that doesn’t allow me to breathe fully i attempt to fill this lacuna with everyday talks with the voice from the radio with the irrelevant conversations with the absent invisible human images …

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Existentialism as an Optimistic Idea

Existentialism as an Optimistic Idea

The philosophy of existentialism is usually considered as one attached with negative notions of angst, gloom, hopelessness and despair. Camus’ The Outsider and Kafka’s The Metamorphosis present an indifferent world. The protagonists appear to have embodied the very absurdity that surrounds them. But it’s merely one way of looking at the existential philosophy, a view …

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Nihilism (Poem)

Nihilism (Poem)

A poem by Sahil Bhambri Exert life than a void pray, Gone my obey for: a lied rose, Under the deep deep sky, may the sea beneath, Felt all the existence of died prose. Identity of expiring beyond, an illusion of soon, Or the city lights, may the lights of so moon. And eyes oh …

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59 Best Books on Existentialism

59 Best Books on Existentialism

In the post modern era that we exist in, there is an atmosphere of skepticism around. The old conservative conventions of beliefs are falling apart to new ideas of relativity, subjectivity, and individuality. For existentialists like me, it soothes our souls to visit the great literary and philosophical works written on the themes of existentialism, …

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