No matter how messy, having a family is a blessing: “The Most Fun We Ever Had”

No matter how messy, having a family is a blessing: “The Most Fun We Ever Had”

the most fun we ever had book review lombardo

What amazed me most is how a young 30-year-old Clair Lombardo successfully projects the story line of a big family and its complications in her debut novel. She conveys the life of a couple — David, who is a doctor, and Marliyn, his wife, who truly has melted down for her family & the upbringing of her four daughters, and indeed forgotten about her career without any complaints.

Lombardo successfully hitched up the reader’s mind and stir his interest as well. A family drama, which is actually a dime a dozen, but seems so unusual apart from related moreover.

Four daughters of the couple, who are Wendy, Violet, Liza, and Grace, find varying degrees of success in their professional lives, but fail to find the passion and romance that their parents continue to have in their marriage of 40 years.

Wendy is a wealthy widow with a foul mouth and the drinking habit. Violet is a former lawyer turned to stay at home and mother of two young sons. At the age of 32, Liza is a tenured professor with a depressive boyfriend. The baby of the house, Grace, was the only one, who decamped from that big parental house, which belongs to Marliyn’s father and situates in Chicago. She got abandoned for her studies. The story gets the hype of interest when the episode of Liza’s pregnancy come across.

After that, the circumstances start to get more entangled, and then Lombardo succeeds in painting the true family impediments. There are many different scenarios as the aspect of parenthood from the couple’s side and their concern on the other side are the conflicts of sisters and their jealousy from their parent’s happy married life. All those happening which goes through during these 40 years has its own impact.

When action and reaction of situations get appropriate words and pen becomes the best fellow of a story line, the reader gets his perfect treat. As this novel was released only in June 2019 and has already become a best seller in New York Times and on various platforms, it proves its perfection and such perfection is admirable and deserves a mention in the list of one of the best debut novels of the year.

This book is definitely refreshing in this era of weak relationships and selfishness. You will realize the worth of your messy but still worthy family. Well, without a doubt, pick this up next and read.

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